Rapids and Still Waters
Dear PiePie, There might reach a point where you are so busy with whatever consumes your time –…
December 18, 2024Dear PiePie, There might reach a point where you are so busy with whatever consumes your time –…
December 18, 2024Dear PiePie, I chanced upon an album cover, an ’80s waterpark photo with a smiling pair of mother…
December 15, 2024Dear PiePie, I was watching at an interview of Jensen Huang earlier today, as he describes the changes…
October 15, 2024亲爱的派派, 看到了一个小品。里头,学渣其实偷偷努力,但因为努力后的成果还是不是太理想,假装不努力,把自己的努力掩饰在漫不经心后面。这种行为是非常能理解的,评论区也有人叨叨:只有真的努力过的人才会明白这种感受。 确实。如果大家都知道你努力了,但最终成绩还是很差,那不等于你即便努力后的上线还是很低吗?那不是很可耻吗?这好比现在人说的:在感情里,谁认真谁就输了。这两方面,都是因为有一定的自尊心存在,不想把自己脆弱的一面展示。 爸爸也有此感受,虽然不是在学术上。中学高中时期好一阵子不太敢弄发型。当然也想让自己变得好看些,但你爷爷主打个三七分,我也没想着上网学这些。因为不会,所以不敢。要不我真的尝试了,却看起来依然糟糕,但大家都看到我试图酷帅,太丢人了。那就不尝试,假装不在乎我的外观。 之后职场上你也会发现,有些工作是能靠努力的。那种事多,干就完了的,通常只要能熬,就能出成绩。 但慢慢升上去后,会发现大多事,成绩说话。不管怎么努力,如果没有天赋或运气,怎么样也没结果。销售是这样,当明星运动员是这样,投资也是这样。 那就不努力了吗?或,只敢偷偷努力?不行呀。 控制不了成果的时候,更加得坚信,一定要把分内能做的给做了。成果来不来,由天,但不能辜负自己。不能之后想说,其实我没给 100%。这种事,努力就是胜利。You can only control the inputs. So control it. 当然,屡次失败,还是得检讨是否你努力的方向或形式是否出了什么问题。Insanity…
October 7, 2024Dear PiePie, I recently read The Way We Live Now, a wonderful piece of essay by Colson Whitehead…
August 3, 2024Dear PiePie, I recently had appendicitis in far-flung Los Angeles. It’s never easy to be in pain and…
July 6, 2024Dear PiePie, I have long thought about greatness, often in the context of sports. The Greatest of All…
May 20, 2024Dear PiePie, Came across a video that attempted to define beliefs and values – beliefs being what you…
March 25, 2024Dear PiePie, As I reflect on the year past, thinking about what to write, the question that came…
December 27, 2023Dear PiePie, When you get older, you’ll probably yearn to make your own decisions, to have less people…
October 30, 2023