Dear PiePie,
Starting a note on a night flight – it seems that staring out of darkened plane cabins into moonlit clouds does wonders for reminiscence and note-writing. Also probably the lack of connectivity.
“Put down you phone”, you sometimes tell us now, wanting us to play with you. Every time you say this – and I very much appreciate it – I am strongly reminded of how hyperconnectivity to the world at large have reduced our connection to the here, now and around. Only in the data-free and stimulant-free environment of an airplane cabin do I really find myself pressing the pause on life. My eyes zone out, my mind wanders, and without Spotify, I play songs from my downloaded music library compiled when I was much, much younger. Songs embedded with stories and memories of a life (hopefully) vibrantly lived.
Your Mom and Dad, we probably waste too much time online. It’s the addiction of the modern-ites, a blessing and a curse. So we thank you for the reminder.
And now the plane will be landing soon and this temporary oasis of tranquillity will end as we hit the ground running, again. So, just a reminder to get disconnected every once in a while.
Love, Dad